Digitalization and enhancement of Family Photographic Archives

The set-up of a digital photographic archive has the advantage of collecting and preserving your family memories and allows the conversion of photographic archives into digital collections, catalogues and web pages.

Modus operandi:

Digitalizing paper photographic archives requires specialized skills and know-how to ensure a professional organization of physical archives and their consistency with Customer’s requirements and expectations. The main goal is to safeguard contents with emotional or historical-artistic value that are present in family photographic archives.

Witness Image, in collaboration with AFI (Archivio Fotografico Italiano) and with its Communication Agency “That’s Hall”, can support Customers along each project phase and provide full assistance in converting photographs into digital thru innovative solutions such as: indexing, and metadatation, contents transformation into multi-media path, virtual galleries, video, cloud hosting services accessible via web, traditional and digital editing, restoration of photographic material, recovery and research of missing information, production of innovative and customized packaging to store the final product.

Tools and Technologies used:

To digitalize original photos we use state-of-the-art technologies, such as flatbed scanner for 6×4 and 6×6 films, glass plates, hardware and software providing the best technical and functional solution to realize any digitalization project and suitable for any analog material, device and specific need.

Services We Offer:

Digitalization of any format of photos and negatives using high performance scanners. Hosting and Cloud Services either to store documents or to transfer hard disks/USB drives once documents get digitalized.Innovative and customized packaging to keep and store archives. Metadata and tag manual insertion. Multimedia paths, virtual galleries and videos to enhance archives’ content and use.
